fashion Yanin Taylor fashion Yanin Taylor

Lost ink





Lost Ink dress shorter version

Public Desire boots

Zara bag

Bershka jacket

MDG necklace

What I wore on LFW day 1...

I wanted to wear something fun but comfy so this Lost Ink maxi dress was perfect! I love mixing the print with these velvet heels and adding a pop of colour with the red jacket. I did switch to trainers in the end though! I'm not much of a heels girl! 

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travel Yanin Taylor travel Yanin Taylor

Who's next X The Apartment visual diary | Part 3

Last day of the Paris trip was super chilled.

Last day of the Paris trip was super chilled. We got to Villa M to see who had won the Tokyo trip. It was Andreea!   Much congrats to this babe! enjoy Tokyo!  We spent the rest of the day shooting some photos by the Eiffel tower. There will be a full outfit post featuring what I wore on the last day coming in the next few days too so don't worry! It just ended up with being such a chilled day and then a super quick train ride home back to London. Even though it was such a short trip, I'm so happy and grateful I got to go on and meet such amazing people. I also got closer to the Eiffel tower and see more of Paris. Forever one of my favourite cities. I also have Greece coming up next month and Thailand in November - so be sure I'll be documenting those adventures too! Thanks again to the Apartment and Who's Next for taking us all out there! 

Photos taken by Kris Atomic & Derek Bremner

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travel Yanin Taylor travel Yanin Taylor

Who's next X The Apartment visual diary | Part 2

Started the day with creating mood boards for the Tom Greyhound buyer challenge.

Started the day with creating mood boards for the Tom Greyhound buyer challenge. I unfortunately wouldn't of been able to make the trip if I had won so didn't take part. Instead, I just helped out the others that could go!

Shope working away on her master piece! 

We then headed to Kiliwatch to score some vintage pieces to customised in a workshop

It was vintage denim heaven! So happy with my pair of levi's! 

Street style shot of me & Zoe :) Wearing


top with

Revolve jeans 

Dinner at the hotel. It was AMAZING. I had the truffle burger and I'm totally dreaming about it everyday...

That's it for day 2! Keep an eye out for the last set of photos coming tomorrow! 

Photos taken by Kris Atomic & Derek Bremner

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travel Yanin Taylor travel Yanin Taylor

Who's next X The Apartment Visual diary | Part 1

Had such a great (but also tiring) first day at Villa M with everyone...

Boarding the Eurostar with Joel! Getting up at 5am to make this train was a nightmare! 

Arrived at Hotel Molitor

We stayed at Hotel Molitor! It was different but absolutely stunning & the food was so good! 

All the goodies we got in our totes! Was obsessed with the nail polishes, hand made lingerie and the leather clutch! 

Arrived at Villa M to have a look around the venue

Me & Zoe browsing the Nailmatic vending machine! 

Enjoying the trend talk with the rest of the guys!

Of course I had to grab an OOTD before we headed off to dinner!

Private dinner with the other influencers and press in the hall! 

Had such a great (but also tiring) first day at Villa M with everyone, exploring the venue and even had a private dinner in one of the halls! It was so nice catching up with everyone and making new friends. We were prepping for the buyers challenge that would be happening the following day to win a trip to Tokyo! The Villa M space was filled with a little showroom and beauty area where we could get our nails & hair done. Catch up on emails and hang out with the other bloggers! Keep an eye out for part 2 of the visual diary! 

Photos taken by Kris Atomic & Derek Bremner

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fashion Yanin Taylor fashion Yanin Taylor

Peony pink in Paris

My obsession with pinks have just rocketed over the past few months.

BrenandCel Top • GRLFRND jeans • Adidas Stan Smiths • Asos sunnies • Celine bag

My obsession with pinks have just rocketed over the past few months. Anything from blush pink to this peony pink is definitely in my closet. I wore this outfit on the 2nd day at the WSN X Who's Next Premiere Classe trade show with the Apartment in Paris. It was pretty hot and humid so this was the perfect summer outfit to stroll around the show and Paris in. I kept everything pretty minimal and went for my go-to GRLFRND jeans and my white Adidas trainers. Also loving these sunnies from ASOS. I lost my Ray Bans and wanted something similar but with a lower price point & these were the one! Keep an eye out for a Paris diary in the next few days! 

Photos taken by Gallucks on the Panasonic Lumix LX100

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beauty Yanin Taylor beauty Yanin Taylor

Scent of a dream

So I was invited down to the Charlotte Tilbury store in Covent Garden for the new fragrance launch. 

Photos taken with Panasonic Lumix LX100

So I was invited down to the Charlotte Tilbury store in Covent Garden for the new fragrance launch. As soon as I walked in I could smell such a mood lifting scent - of course it was the scent of dreams!  

Scent of a Dream is a first-of-its-kind ‘floral chypre perfume harmony that Charlotte calls ‘fleurotic™ frequency’ - a psychoactive scent pathway that attracts love, light, power, positivity and sex to the wearer.

 The story goes that she wore it out one night and caught the nose of a gentleman who was instantly attracted to it and asked if she ever had a scent of a dream. With such a major attraction to her signature scent - she decided to finally create her own fragrance and collaborated with Kate Moss who is the face of the campaign. Who better to collaborate with than Kate? Two icons combining their forces together to give consumers an incredible experience.

At the store, I also got to experience the virtual reality goggles which transitioned you into Kate, you get to explore the galaxy and hit up a kick ass party. There, you stumbled upon a man who is attracted to your scent and a love story is waiting to happen. It was such a cool experience and such an awesome way to combine technology with the beauty launch. It gave you the experience of wearing the scent on a night out. I love scents like this with such an emotional and mesmerising back story, as it truly connects you to another level when you are wearing the scent. Another thing I love about it is that it smells different on everyone and throughout the day the scent changes. Giving you such a personal experience with every bottle. I truly have fallen in love with this scent and can't wait to wear it in the next few days to really see what it can offer. Experience the VR here!  (view on your phone!)

With such a whirlwind mixture of lemon, black pepper, jasmine, fire tree and violet to name a few, no wonder I'm so drawn to it! You can get your hands on the fragrance exclusively at the Charlotte Tilbury store in convent garden store or Selfridges! 

This post was created in collaboration with Charlotte Tilbury

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fashion Yanin Taylor fashion Yanin Taylor

How to dress like a child and get away with it...

I'm always up for wearing dungarees as they are super easy to style and wear all day.

Vintage dungarees

Brandy Melville tee

MDG jewellery necklace


I'm always up for wearing dungarees as they are super easy to style and wear all day. I wore this in LA whilst I went for breakfast at the Beverly Hills hotel - yes I did get some odd looks but I was so content with how comfy I was. I think the key to pulling off an outfit that you wore as a child is just pure confidence and also accessorising well. You should wear everything with your head held high and with the biggest smile. Thats the key in making any outfit go from 80% to 100%. 

It's definitely something I didn't get used to instantly but over time it has helped me wear whatever I want and ignore what other people may think. I get asked all the time how I am when wearing certain outfits and how I react when I get a negative response. The truth is, I really don't give a shit. If an outfit makes me feel good and happy then why sacrifice it for someone else's thought? At the end of the day, you should be able to wear whatever you want. Express yourself how ever you feel like it. So the key to wearing anything and getting away with it? Confidence! Now feel free to dig up those old photos and recreate some childhood outfits! 

Photos taken by Chelsea Cooper

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beauty, travel Yanin Taylor beauty, travel Yanin Taylor

Falling in love with Mon Paris

So about a month ago I was invited back to Paris for the launch of the new YSL fragrance 'Mon Paris' inspired by the city of lovers, Paris.

So about a month ago I was invited back to Paris for the launch of the new YSL fragrance 'Mon Paris' inspired by the city of lovers, Paris. We were invited to see Paris upside down in 24 hours! (yes, you read that correctly!). To discover another side from the regular spots you would be familiar with and see the city upside down. The whole trip was inspired by the new fragrances back story of falling head over heels for someone that your world is turned upside down. It was such a world wind 24 hours but it honestly was one of the best trips I've ever been on. 

We started with a lunch visit to HAI KAI. A hidden organic dishes wonderland that definitely cured served up some amazing food. Highly recommend to go with a few friends and try pretty much all the dishes! Also don't forget to try the anchovy! Next it was straight into the perfume workshop where we learned about the ingredients that went into the production of this perfume. I never learned so much in an hour! All of the ingredients, how they are sourced and where they all come from was so interesting to me that it gave me another insight into the fragrance industry. I also learned that there was some jasmine flowers in the mix - that's why I was so drawn to this scent! You guys know how much I love jasmine! It's such a strong feline floral scent which is something I'm not used to but I quickly fell in love with it for sure. Such a great scent for summer thats totally going to turn your world upside down! I've never come across a fragrance so uplifting before! 

After our workshop - we headed straight out around the city on these moto taxis! Such an incredible experience and it was definitely the highlight of the trip. Something I need to do again when I'm back in Paris. We got to see a lot of the city and stopped at the Eiffel tower for 5 minutes for photos. I was happy as I finally got to see it close up! (deffo could of gotten closer but next time for sure!) I literally was riding around the city with a huge smile underneath the heavy but comfy helmets! I really record you flag those guys down whenever you're in the city next. I think from that experience, it just made me sure even more than I really do love Paris and it's for sure one of my favourite cities.

We finished the night with the YSL 'Mon Paris' fragrance launch dinner and the party on top of the Centre Pompidou! Such an incredible building, space and view all rolled into one! To see the whole city at night from the usual day light was definitely the goal of seeing Paris upside down. 

From this trip I've discovered so many new places, people and vibe that paris has to offer and I can't wait to go back! Already trying to see if I can squeeze in a quick weekend away! You can get your hands on the fragrance here...

Created in collaboration with YSL Beauty

Photos taken with iPhone 6 and Panasonic Lumix LX100

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fashion Yanin Taylor fashion Yanin Taylor

Lazy dressing

Def Leppard tee



Satin shirt

Lip colour

Whenever I have to go somewhere and have to make an effort - I just add some statement heels and a silk blazer! It's really another one of those 'dressing like I have my shit together' combo. Really great & works so well. You can even opt for a leather jacket for duster coat too if you fancy! 

Oh & P.S! These heels are now on sale for only £14.99! You're welcome! 

Taken on Panasonic Lumix LX100 by Diego

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