Letting life in with Herbal Essences bio:renew

My schedule can get pretty hectic at times and I find myself bombarded with work and social life. So for this post I've partnered up with Herbal Essences to share some tips for when I need to unwind I tend to take a full day off - to really have some quality me time and not pick up my phone. 


1. Something simple like a face mask. Turning my home into a mini spa is a great way to unwind.

I'm using the Mario Basdescu collagen face mask and leave it on for a good 20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

2. A home facial is the perfect de-stresser

It purifies your skin and makes you feel incredible. I always do a mini facial every time I put on my mask.


"I tend to use a lot of facial oil after the mask to keep

my skin hydrated"

3.Quality time...

I often spend a lot of my off days reading, planning new trips to take, watching movies and hang with my dog. The smaller things in life make me so happy and just to see his little face light up when we play together is my definition of letting life in. Putting down the phone, focusing on yourself and the surroundings around you is the perfect balance when you have a busy schedule.




One of my favourite hobbies is to cook. I find it super relaxing and makes the day fly by. I tend to cook 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) but also a few snacks here and there. Granola bars are currently my go-to at the moment. You can create so many different flavours and really have fun with the ingredients.


5.Late night shower

For me, theres nothing better than hopping into the shower before bed. It really puts your mind at ease and your body to be zen. I've been loving the Herbal Essences bio:renew range as my go to shampoo & conditioner lately. Letting life in whilst washing my hair and having the cucumber and green tea scent surrounding me is such a dream as it gives off such a calming aroma. Click here to get yours.

I hope you found my way of unwinding from a busy schedule helpful! If there are any other ways you relax then feel free to let me know below.

Disclaimer: This post was in collaboration with Herbal Essences. All thoughts and views are my own. 


