Over the years of being in this industry, I’ve found myself feeling a little lost in the whole creative field.
Feeling like you don’t really belong in a group or not knowing whats next; for yourself and for your career. I struggled with the fact that I felt like I had no other goal to achieve. By 21 I’ve already achieved what I thought I could never financially do - purchase a house. Relationship wise, I’m in a committed and stable relationship , another thing I didn't think I would be able to have. Career wise, this was where it became just a big hole to me, Whats next? When I did think of something there was always a doubt in my mind of someone saying ‘thats not going to work’ or ‘you’re going to need to re-think that’. Still to this day I’m kinda stuck in that limbo and it has such an impact on my mental health even though I think I’m a very positive person. But lately I’ve been chatting to other females in the creative industry and some who aren’t that have given me some wise words that I thought I would share with you guys.
I’ve learnt that its perfectly normal to feel like this and that it is just part of our growing journey.
Everyone will go through this stage in their life. It will either be for a week, month or years but the trick is to make peace with it. After hearing that I thought to myself ‘wait, why am I panicking or even worried about not knowing whats next?’ I’ve made peace with a lot of things in my life especially death. I use to be so scared of it and panicked about it consistently after my aunt passed away. But instead of using it as a negative and low moment, I turned it around and started living. Appreciating life and living it to the fullest. If I had that mentality, why not apply it to this limbo I’m in? I started looking at it totally differently. This phrase in my life where I don’t know whats next is me stopping and smelling the roses. I’ve always had a busy schedule and saying ‘yes’ to everything which did put me onto a path of some sort but maybe it wasn’t in the direction I wanted to go. I realised I was so work focused that I neglected my relationship and family a little but now thats what I put first on my list. I see this time in my life as a sort of break. To clearly think about the future, what I want to do and what to achieve.
It’s ok to take a breather and understand that we can get ourselves out of any situation with the right mindset.
I hope that this may help some of you guys in any way as i’ve been getting a few messages on how i tend to keep my life on the right track and if I felt a little lost in my career and life. if you have any questions feel free to leave them below!