Light & Free by artists
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I was invited down to shoreditch for an evening of creativity with some graffiti artists in collaboration with light and free for the launch of their new limited edition packaging. Light and free have collaborated with several artists to creat these fun, bright and youthful packaging for the consumer market. in our creative session, we had a quick run down of graffiti basics of dos and don’t and got to create our own art!
Having had our quick lesson on the canvas, we got to design our own version of the packaging for Light and Free and we got super creative!
i went for something a little more hippy, a tie dye take with the technique of applying the paint and it turned out really well! better than i thought as this was my first time spray painting!
I love how Light and Free collaborated with street artists to create something so fresh and bright - such an amazing idea to bring art into a product that already is amazing on the inside and having the artwork radiate it on the outside too.
I put my hands up - I’m guilty of buying a product based entirely on its packaging. Most of the time, the end result wasn’t satisfying at all and I’m left disappointed.
For the past few months I’ve changed up my diet to eat a lot more healthy, cut down on sugar for health reasons and have started to work out. I’ve switched chocolate and biscuits as my snacks to fruit and yogurt. I’ve been loving these light and free ones as they have 0% fat & 0% added sugar.
My favourite flavours from the range has to be the strawberry and lemon flavours! I love making smoothies with them too with some fresh fruit. Let me know if you guys have tried these flavours or have picked them up in their limited editio packaging!