All laced up!

Disclaimer: Items marked with * were gifted

H&M tee | Missguided shorts*

So I'm currently in LA but NOT going to Coachella for the 100th time (lol). I've lost count of how many times me & Leanne has been asked that. So being a sad girl & not attending the most fabulous of all festivals - I'm in K-town exploring LA and eating as much as I can. 

This trip so far has been amazing as I get to travel and explore more with such an amazing gal - Leanne. We've done way too much shopping in a small time frame of days & I've caught the shopping bug for sure! Expect a haul/make up haul as well!

This outfit was something I wore to lounge around in. We decided to have keep the day a bit free to do some shooting, filming and just other work stuff we tried to ignore as we are in LA - still couldn't!

These shorts though - super soft & comfortable! I didn't realised that it would fit me so well and how comfortable they were going to be. The colour is soft yet workable for me and my favourite are the lace up details featured. Too amazing to pass up and goes perfect with vintage band tees!

Like the one I'm wearing but shhhh... this one is actually from H&M surprisingly! I saw it & felt it - super worn feel so I had to purchase it. Something 'Coachella'-esque I guess!

Let me know what you think of the outfit below!

OOTD with Natalie Liao!


Affordable Coachella style with H&M