CK Jeans

Disclaimer: Items marked with * were gifted

CK Jeans sweater* | Topshop cullotes | Prada glasses | DEADWOOD sleeveless biker* 
Topshop boots*


When in doubt, put on a CK sweater! I've been wanting some CK pieces for a while but they always seem to be sold out! Luckily I was contacted by Urban Outfitters and they kindly sent me some! Thank you so so much guys! I love them to bits! I chose of course this navy sweater, a white version and the white t shirt. No doubt I will be showing you guys how I style them very soon!

What I love about these pieces is that they are timeless and really chic. There are also countless ways to style these pieces. From a leather mini skirt to peg leg pants with slip ons. Everything seems to go with these pieces. Trust me, I'll be wearing these till I'm 30! Or older! I'm even looking forward to passing these down to my children and see how they style them!

Let me know how you guys would style your CK! 

Gothic lines


Camel knit & Leather