The green suit
Finally my beautiful forest green suit arrived from Topshop & I can not express how much I love it. It came as a little surprise as I found out the trousers are actually high waisted, anything high waisted is just a massive tick in my books and I just was then filled with excitement. I could wear cropped tees or sweaters with it & it would look amazing.
I decided to firstly pair this with a vintage printed tee, but it didn't do the suit any justice so opted for my grey ribbed Zara polo neck. I love the contrast of the colours together and the textures mixing together. It ended up creating such a lux outfit which is perfect for a meeting or a dinner in the evening. I think I'll be wearing something like this to the next fashion week (permitting the weather is ok and not too extreme) as I'm so in love with this tailored style.
I didn't wanna smarten this up anymore so opted for my trusty loafers which I've worn to death over the summer. Keeping it classic and making it a bit more casual.
I had so much with this outfit and fell in love with it so much that I didn't really wanna take it off.