Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know about a cool event thats happening tomorrow that I'm popping down to! It's at Boxpark in shoreditch (where I had my pop up). It is a Bed Head Hair Space launch party! Would be awesome to see you guys there! The event is going on from 6-9pm! There will be free drinks, live music, DJs, live styling and give-aways.
There is also a competition running; There are 100 Bed Head Hair Space stamps (see last photo) located around East London. If you spot one, snap a picture and upload it to Twitter or Instagram with the #BedHeadHairSpace and you could win VIP entry, and a hair cut with a top stylist at the Hair Space.
Tweet me if you are gunna go or when you get there at @prettysickly!
Twitter: TIGIcreatives
Instagram: http://instagram. com/bedheadbytigi